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Graduate program

Twelwe persons standing in a group looking in to the camera in an outside autumn environment

Do you want to experience the world and are you driven by a desire to make a difference? If so – we would like to hear from you!

The most recent program, GGP6, ended in January 2025. In this program, the twelve participants came from seven different countries: Sweden, Finland, USA, China, India, Brazil and Germany.

Selected for their drive and innovative minds, they've commenced a performance-driven career path within a company that truly recognizes the importance of professional development.

  • About the program

    Our 15-month Graduate Program alternates between training and work, both in your home country and globally.

    During the program you will get a deep understanding and learning about our business, our passion to help our customers to succeed and exploring the excitement of the manufacturing industry. At the same time, you'll experience the array of cultures that form the Sandvik world.

    The program provides challenging and rewarding opportunities in which you will be enabled – and expected – to actively contribute in our innovative environment. You will take part in projects of strategic importance while gaining knowledge about Sandvik and obtaining practical experience of our way of doing business.

    Do you want to know more? Contact Freja Liljedahl, phone: +46 70 616 12 97.

  • Who we are looking for

    Are you driven by a desire to make a difference and want to experience the world? If so – we want to hear from you!

    We’re looking for someone who has the potential and desire to become a future key player for Sandvik.

    Your characteristics and skills:

    • Desiring knowledge and intellectually curious
    • Self-motivated, open to challenges and comfortable in highly changing environments
    • Showing a high level of emotional intelligence and exceptional communication skills
    • Mobile and open to living and working in different parts of the world
    • Showing great respect for diversity and inclusion
    • Passionate about our industry
    • Exceptionally skilled in English, both verbally and in writing

Next Global Graduate Program

The Global Graduate Program 7 will start in September 2025.

Meet some of our previous graduates

En inspirerande och global kultur

Möt Nicole Xu, Global Graduate Program, Stockholm, Sverige.
En inspirerande och global kultur

En passion för hållbar teknik

Möt Evan Larrick, Global Graduate Program, Ventura, Kalifornien, USA.
En passion för hållbar teknik

En inspirerande arbetsmiljö

Möt Jere Laitervo, Global Graduate Program, Tübingen, Tyskland.
En inspirerande arbetsmiljö

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