Staying ahead in Crushing & Screening

Automation and digitalization are major trends that you have to be on top of if you want to stay relevant in the crushing and screening area. And the way to do it? Prepare for the unknown, is the advice from Urban Åberg.
In this episode of the podcast Meet Sandvik you will meet Urban Åberg, R&D Manager at Sandvik´s division Crushing & Screening. His team is working hard to keep up with the fast development of new techniques in areas like automation and digitalization.
His former career in the Swedish Air Force brings learnings that he now passes on to the team.
“In the military, you need to educate the staff to handle constraints and unknowns, and that is also what you have in an R&D-environment. It´s important to coach the staff to think outside the box,” says Urban Åberg.
Meet Sandvik Podcast
In each episode of the podcast Meet Sandvik you will meet different persons that give their perspective on Sandvik. Sometimes it´s an employee telling his or her story. Sometimes you will meet experts discussing how a hot topic can affect Sandvik.