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CFO Tomas Eliasson to leave Sandvik

Tomas Eliasson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, CFO, for Sandvik has decided to leave his position as of October 31, 2021, after more than five years in the Group.

“Tomas Eliasson has been a key member of Sandvik Group’s Executive Management since 2016 and I’m very thankful for his contributions to the Group over the years. He has played an essential role in the decentralization of Sandvik and in making the company more agile and flexible. Tomas has established a very solid governance model for us to ensure strong results in our different divisions and to deliver stable margins as a Group over time”, says Stefan Widing, President and CEO of Sandvik.

The recruitment process for a new CFO has been initiated. Until a permanent solution has been found, Cecilia Felton, currently Vice President Group Control, will serve as the company’s interim CFO effective as of November 1. Tomas Eliasson will until February 1, 2022, also be available to ensure a smooth transition.

Stockholm, August 30, 2021

Sandvik AB

For further information, contact Louise Tjeder, VP Investor relations, phone: +46 (0) 70782 6374 or Johannes Hellström, Press and Media Relations Manager, phone: +46 (0) 70721 1008.

CFO Tomas Eliasson to leave Sandvik (PDF)

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