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“Gas to electric” won the Sigrid Göransson award

A service solution that helps customers reduce their CO2 emission by converting from fossil gas furnaces to electrical furnaces led to the award of the "The Sandvik Sustainability Award in Memory of Sigrid Göransson” to Daniel Burton, Marcus Andersson and Ole Stadum at Kanthal. The winner was presented online in conjunction with Sandvik’s 2020 Annual General Meeting.

“We were thrilled to be nominated to this award and to be winning it is amazing. Sustainability is very important to us at Kanthal, it´s the future for our business,” says Daniel Burton, who in this video-interview explains more about the solution together with his colleagues Marcus Andersson and Ole Stadum.

The way the initiative from Kanthal helps the customers is by starting their processes with a customized, on-site evaluation service called Go Green, which provides calculation models, reports and recommendations. It has enabled companies to meet their own sustainability and workplace targets, comply with regional emissions rules and facilitate government support for expansion projects.

“I truly believe that with the right incentives industry will lead the transformation to a low carbon economy, and with our new product offering Kanthal will lead the way,” says Daniel Burton.

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