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Sandvik once again included in world renowned sustainability list

Every year since 2004, The Sustainability Yearbook has listed the world's most sustainable companies in each industry as determined by their score in RobecoSAM's annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused on sustainability investing which also publishes the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).

Over 3000 of the world's largest companies are invited to participate in the CSA each year. This is the sixth time Sandvik has been included in the Yearbook, one of only ten Swedish companies to make the list.

This type of recognition illustrates Sandvik's success in becoming one of the top 15 % of companies for sustainability within the machinery and electrical equipment industry. Furthermore that Sandvik also achieved a score within 30% of the best-performing company in their industry. The aforementioned achievement is mandatory for a company to qualify as one of the eighteen Sustainability Yearbook Members on the 2015 RobecoSAM list.

Eligibility for inclusion in The Sustainability Yearbook is determined by two parameters. Firstly the sustainability scores derived from the CSA, and secondly, a qualitative screen based on RobecoSAM's Media & Stakeholder Analysis which evaluates a company's response to critical sustainability issues that may arise during the measured year.

Christina Båge-Friborg, Head of Sustainable Business comments:
"We believe in integrating sustainability in our business and are convinced that a close cooperation with our customers on sustainability will lead to increased competitive advantage. The inclusion in the 2015 Sustainability Yearbook for the sixth year in a row validates that we are on the right track."

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