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Sandvik AB issues a 12 year Eurobond of EUR 350 million

Sandvik has this week issued a Eurobond of EUR 350 million in a 12 year transaction maturing in June 2026 under its existing Euro Medium Term Note programme.

The coupon of 3 percent is the lowest ever, achieved by a BBB Industrial borrower in 12-years. This transaction further establishes Sandvik with the European fixed income investor base and builds on an already well diversified investor following.

The Joint Bookrunners mandated by Sandvik for this transaction were Barclays, Citi and Société Générale.

Stockholm, Sweden, 13 June 2014

Sandvik AB

For further information contact: Pär Altan, Vice President External Communications, Sandvik AB, tel +46 8 456 12 37 or Anders Örbom, Group Treasurer, Sandvik AB, tel +46 8 456 13 21.

Sandvik AB issues a 12 year Eurobond of EUR 350 million (PDF)

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