Indian Nobel quiz winners visit Sandvik
Every year the Embassy of Sweden in India, along with major Swedish businesses, hosts the Sweden-India Nobel Memorial Week. The purpose is to strengthen relations between the two nations while celebrating innovation, creativity and their contributions to the development of the world. This year Sandvik hosted a visit by three engineering students from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
One activity during the Nobel Memorial week is the renowned Nobel Quiz. It is a collegiate quiz bowl in which one team comprised of three students from each university in India can compete. The winners receive an all-inclusive week to Sweden to learn more about the country and visit several different Swedish businesses.
In 2013, the winners of the Nobel Quiz were Mr Somashish Ghosh, Mr Ajay Vishwanathan, Mr Saswat Panigrahi all three are engineering students at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. During their week in Sweden 2014, the trio will visit Sandvik, Atlas Copco, SEB and Ericson. We had the pleasure of hosting them during the 16-17 June.
The visit started at the Sandvik Headquarters in Stockholm with an overview about Sandvik's development and our position today presented by Per Elfström (former Group Communications) and Henry Zhang from Sandvik, Group R & D Function. They concluded their visit in Sandviken where they took a guided tour of the Sandvik Exhibition and our production plant. The tours were hosted by Raveendra Siriki from Sandvik Materials Technology, Helene Marsi from HR Sweden Sandvik AB and Yvonne Strandberg.
"For Sandvik, the visit was very valuable," explains Yvonne Strandberg, Global Employer Branding Manager at Sandvik. "We got the opportunity to tell the students about Sandvik, and I took the chance to find out what young Indian engineers find important when choosing a future employer."
Flexibility and the possibility to influence decisions and bring up ideas were among the important factors that they mentioned. Work-life balance and travel possibilities were others.