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Sandvik participates in the UN Global Compact

Sandvik has become a participant in the United Nations Global Compact initiative (www.unglobalcompact.org).

The UN Global Compact works toward the vision of a sustainable and inclusive global economy, delivering lasting benefits to people, communities, and markets. It is a strategic policy initiative for business and non-business entities that are committed to implementing ten internationally agreed principles into their operations. The ten principles are based on international agreements within the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

The UN Global Compact is the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in the world endorsed by chief executives, with more than 10,000 participants from 145 countries. It offers a practical framework for the development, implementation, and disclosure of sustainability policies and practices, providing participants with a wide spectrum of workstreams, management tools and resources — all designed to help advance sustainable business models and markets.

By participating in the UN Global Compact, Sandvik commits to mainstream the Global Compact's ten principles in business strategy and operations around the world, and to catalyze business action in support of UN goals and issues, with emphasis on collaboration and collective action.

"The fact that Sandvik has applied for and is now a participant in the United Nations Global Compact initiative is a further step in the Group's strategy to position itself as a significant, proactive and global sustainable company. I am very pleased with our involvement in the initiative," says Christina Båge-Friborg, Head of CSR at Sandvik.

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