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Financial definitions

  • Earnings per share

    Profit/loss for the year attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company divided by the average number of shares outstanding during the year.


    Operating profit less depreciation, amortization and impairments.

  • Equity ratio

    Total equity in relation to total capital.

  • Funds from Operations (FFO)

    EBITDA adjusted for non-cash items minus net interest minus current tax expense.

  • Interest Coverage Ratio

    Interest-bearing current and non-current debts less cash and cash equivalents divided by EBITDA.

  • Items affecting comparability (IAC)

    Items with a significant impact on the Group or business area results from gains and losses on business disposals, restructuring and impairments costs.

  • Leverage ratio (net debt / EBITDA)

    Interest-bearing current and non-current debts less cash and cash equivalents divided by EBITDA.

  • Net debt

    Interest-bearing current and non-current liabilities, including net pension liabilities and leases, less cash and cash equivalents.

  • Net debt to equity ratio

    Interest-bearing current and non-current debts, including net pension liabilities, less cash and cash equivalents divided by total equity.

  • Order intake

    Order intake for a period refers to the value of all orders received for immediate delivery and those orders for future delivery for which delivery dates and quantities have been confirmed. General sales agreements are included only when they have been finally agreed upon and confirmed. Service contracts are included in the order intake with the full binding contract amount upon signing.

  • Organic growth

    Change in order intake and revenues after adjustments for exchange rate effects and structural changes such as divestments and acquisitions. Sandvik generates the majority of its revenues in currencies other than in the reporting currency (i.e. SEK, Swedish Krona). Organic growth is used to analyze the underlying sales performance in the Group.

  • Relative net working capital


    Average working capital for the last four quarters, divided by revenues in the last twelve months.


    Average working capital for the most recent quarter, divided by revenues in the most recent quarter adjusted to annual rate.

  • Return on capital employed (ROCE)

    Earnings before interest and tax plus financial income, as a percentage of a four quarter average capital employed. Capital employed is defined as total capital less current non-interest-bearing debt.

  • Return on shareholders' equity


    12 month rolling profit/loss as a percentage of the average shareholders' equity over the last four quarters.


    Profit/loss in the most recent quarter adjusted to annual rate, as a percentage of the average shareholders' equity in the most recent quarter.

  • Return on total capital

    Earnings before interest and tax plus financial income, as a percentage of a four quarter average total capital.

  • Working capital

    Total of inventories, trade receivables, account payables and other current non-interest-bearing receivables and liabilities, excluding tax assets and liabilities and

Sustainability definitions


    Total number of injuries per million worked hours.


    Number of lost time injuries per million worked hours.

  • Direct CO₂ emissions

    Emission from combustion of fossil fuels in owned or controlled sources, for example vehicle fuels and fuel in furnaces. Also known as Scope 1 emission.

  • Indirect CO₂ emissions

    Emission that occur from generation of purchased energy. For example emissions from use of purchased electricity. Also known as Scope 2 emission.

  • Waste to recovery

    Waste disposed of by Sandvik that go to recovery operations for further use.

  • Waste to other disposal

    Waste that cannot be recovered and disposed without recovery, for example to a landfill.

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