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Sustainability governance

Sustainability governance at Sandvik is grounded in its business strategy, business model, and international frameworks. Relevant goals are established to address material areas and effectively manage associated impacts, risks, and opportunities. Policies and management systems have been set to ensure financial, environmental, and social compliance.

Governance structure

The Sandvik Board of Directors holds primary responsibility for sustainability oversight within Sandvik and the Audit Committee monitors the sustainability reporting. Implementation is delegated to the President and CEO of Sandvik.

The Group Executive Management is responsible for the overall sustainability strategy and agenda of Sandvik. Implementa-tion and follow-up are managed by the Group functions, business areas, and divisions. Business areas are responsible for assessing and managing sustainability risks within their operations. Coordination within the Group is managed by the Group Communications and Sustainability function. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are consolidated and reported to track goals at both Group and business area levels. We assess our performance annually, targets are set and focus actions are outlined for the upcoming year.

The Sustainability Council serves as a collaborative forum for cooperation and best practice sharing across Sandvik, with representation from both business areas and Group functions. Group Sustainability coordinates the sustainability agenda together with the business areas and Group functions.

Board’s sustainability competence

The Board is composed of members with experience from various geographic areas and industry sectors. All Board members have long experience from managing different positions in global, industrial companies in different functions, which includes the topics generally covered by the sustainability concept. Many Board members have extensive experience in managing environmental, social, and governance-related impacts throughout the business value chain from previous positions as CEOs or senior managers of other global and industrial companies.

Board’s role in overseeing management of sustainability impacts

The Board oversees the due diligence and other processes to manage the impact Sandvik has on the economy, environment and people through many different processes, managed through the Board’s Procedural Guidelines and the policies and procedures in The Sandvik Way. The normal Board processes include regular reports to the Board and its Committees on risk management, human resource management, sustainable supplier management, compliance and environment, and health and safety reporting. Key KPIs within the areas are tracked and reported to the Board on a quarterly basis, both through the interim reports and the Key Objectives tracking. The Audit Committee supports the Board in reviewing performance in these areas.

Stakeholder engagement is managed through the operational structure. This includes Investor Relation meetings with key shareholders, dialogues with the Board union representatives as well as considering external analyst and shareholder reports.

The Board uses this information in the strategic planning for the Group and updates the guidance to management as appropriate, considering the overall balance of the different interests.

Evaluation and reporting

The effectiveness of the processes described above is evaluated using, for example, the internal controls framework, internal and external audits in different parts of the value chain (including supplier audits), as well as the feedback from the Speak Up system and investigations conducted as part of that process.

Sustainability is an integrated part of the reports submitted to the Audit Committee and sustainability reports are also made available to the Board on at least a quarterly basis. These reports include stakeholder engagement and results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of processes.

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