COVID-19 information
In view of the ongoing spreading of the coronavirus, a number of precautionary measures are being taken in connection with the Annual General Meeting to reduce the risk for the shareholders and other persons attending the Meeting.
- Registration will not begin until 2:00 p.m.
- No food or drink will be served.
- There will be no exhibits or programs before the General Meeting.
- No speeches will be held during the Meeting. A speech by the CEO will be published on the Company’s website after the Meeting.
- All questions at the Meeting should mainly be focused on issues relating to decision points on the Meeting agenda.
- The number of people attending who are not shareholders will be limited.
In order to minimize the number of people gathered at the location of the Annual General Meeting, as a part of the effort to minimize the risk of spreading the coronavirus, Sandvik encourages all shareholders to exercise the possibility of postal voting or participating by proxy, as set forth below.
Sandvik is monitoring the development regarding the coronavirus closely and the instructions from the authorities, and will publish updated information regarding the Annual General Meeting on this website as required.
Form for postal voting and proxy form
Instead of attending the General Meeting in person, shareholders may choose to exercise their voting rights at the General Meeting by postal voting or by giving a proxy to Sandvik employees or Computershare (that administers shareholder participation and voting at the Meeting). Sandvik encourages the shareholders to use one of these options in order to minimise the number of participants attending the General Meeting in person and thus reduce the spreading of the coronavirus. Please note that shareholders that exercises their voting rights by postal voting or by proxy must give separate notice of attendance no later than Wednesday, 22 April 2020 according to the instructions in the notice convening the General Meeting.
1. Postal voting
A shareholder who wishes to vote by postal voting shall use the below form. The completed and signed form shall be sent in the original to Computershare AB, ”Sandviks årsstämma”, Box 5267, 102 46 Stockholm, Sweden or be submitted electronically by e-mail to If the shareholder is a legal entity, a certificate of incorporation or a corresponding document shall be enclosed to the form. The completed form must be submitted no later than Friday, 24 April 2020. Further instructions and conditions are included in the form.
2. Proxy to Computershare
Computershare offers any shareholder registered to attend the Meeting and holding no more than 100,000 shares to appoint Computershare to vote on their behalf. The proxy is available on request by contacting Computershare at telephone +46 (0)8-518 01 556 or by e-mail
3. Proxy to Sandvik employees
Shareholders who do not wish to use options 1 or 2 above, may instead give a proxy to certain named Sandvik employees to vote on their behalf. In such case the below proxy form must be used.
The completed and signed proxy shall be sent in the original to Computershare AB, ”Sandviks årsstämma”, Box 5267, 102 46 Stockholm, Sweden or be submitted electronically by e-mail to If the shareholder is a legal entity, a certificate of incorporation or a corresponding document shall be enclosed. The completed proxy must be submitted no later than Friday, 24 April 2020.